Armin Schobloch

verrocchio Fellow – Innovation consultant and fully qualified lawyer

About Armin

Armin Schobloch, who studied law, has (almost) always been involved with ideas and new products.

Whether it was copyright law and the legal evaluation of newly created works, getting to know new people and cultures around the globe or the development of new products… “New” and “innovation” are part of his DNA.


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Worth knowing

He participated in the international cultural program Up With People and experienced the power of interdisciplinarity and the connection of different cultures. Numerous excursions into the world of theater have taught him how to achieve extraordinary things together as a team. He has over 13 years of experience as a product and business developer.

He knows what it takes to establish successful innovations, which hurdles and blockades are pure poison for innovations and why a culture of innovation is so important for a sustainable work on innovations. It is particularly important to him to always keep the customer in mind and, if possible, to use him to bring the product to the world.

As an idea enabler and consultant for innovation projects, he helps companies to take all aspects into account and remove the obstacles on the road to success.

His contribution as verrocchio Fellow

Again and again, promising innovation projects have been slowed down or even stopped due to legal concerns and hurdles. In the joint analysis, Benno van Aerssen and Armin Schobloch realized that early consideration of legal knowledge in the idea generation phase and in the evaluation can contribute significantly to the success of an idea.

The basic knowledge of the legal context in combination with active idea work saves time, often a lot of money and in any case a lot of nerves. This is the origin of ILT – Innovation Legal Training.

Everyone who goes through this training gets the knowledge advantage to observe regulations, to initiate procedures in time and to enable the idea to be born successfully.