Dr. Stefanie Schüler-Hammer

verrocchio Fellow – Expert for occupational health management

About Stefanie

Dr. Stefanie Schüler-Hammer holds a master’s degree in sports science and completed her doctorate on the topic of work and health from 2016 to 2019. She is an expert on innovative movement concepts in the workplace.


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Worth knowing

Stefanie has been motivating companies and employees to move during their daily work routine for over 10 years, designing innovative movement concepts and supporting their implementation.

As a research associate at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), she researched and published on the topic of “occupational health management” and “sedentary behavior – the risk factor of sitting” and dealt with how physical activity can be integrated into everyday working life. With her expertise, she trained more than 100 trainers and multipliers in how to instruct physical activity breaks at the workplace in a well-founded and high-quality manner.

As part of her work as a specialist practical study leader in sports management at ISBA GmbH Freiburg, she lectures on the topics of sports management, health and human resources management.

Her contribution as verrocchio Fellow

"Physical inactivity is the result of mechanization and automation completed in a few decades. The transformation of our lifestyle has changed the environment, but not our genetic makeup."

Stefanie and the verrochio Institute together have developed the “PowerBreaks” to give digital, innovative work formats room for movement – because:
the more our everyday life is automated with state-of-the-art technology, the more important MOVEMENT becomes.