Luki Huber / Gerrit Jan Veldman

verrocchio Fellow – product design and tool design

About Luki & Gerrit

The two innovative designers Luki Huber and Gerrit Jan Veldman from Barcelona have been developing excellent products for their international customers from industry and business for many years.

As it were, they created the visual creative tool “Manual Thinking” as a sideline, which has been causing a sensation in Germany since 2016.

Worth knowing

Luki Huber (1973) founded his product design studio in Barcelona in 1999 after finishing his academic career in industrial design at the School of Design in Lucerne and later at the Escola Massana in Barcelona. Between 2001 and 2005 he worked exclusively for the creative team around the famous chef Ferran Adrià and his restaurant elBulli. In addition to the restaurant, the products of this unique combination of design and gastronomy were exhibited at the Centre Pompidou in Paris.

Until 2010 Luki Huber taught design at the EINA, School for Art and Design in Barcelona. Gerrit Jan Veldman (Leicester, 1983) joined the studio of Luki Huber after his studies at the Technological University of Delft and EINA in Barcelona in 2008. Since 2009 the studio is located in the center of Barcelona, where Huber and Veldman created an optimal environment for joint product development with their clients.

Parallel to product design, the two developed the “Manual Thinking” tool, which enables teams to develop ideas in a unique way.


Their contribution as verrocchio Fellows

The verrocchio Institute was one of the first companies to use the “Manual Thinking” tool. Benno van Aerssen and Christian Buchholz, as well as Luki Huber and Gerrit Jan Veldman, all attach extremely high importance to visual tools in their innovation work and regularly exchange ideas.

In January 2017, both teams decide on a strategic cooperation in which the verrocchio Institute operates as “Competence Partner” for Manual Thinking. Manual Thinking thus also became part of the training as an innovation coach.