Ruba Haddad

verrocchio Fellow – Business Coach, Innovation Coach focusing education

About Ruba

Ruba is a certified Business Coach, lives in Maine (USA) and is with verrocchio since 2020, as her perpetual curiosity and passion brought her into our Innovation Coach training.

At the core of Ruba’s philosophy lies the belief that empowering individuals to embrace creativity and innovation ignites hope and inspires action. She envisions a world where these values are woven into the fabric of everyday life, inspiring upcoming generations and driving progress.

Worth knowing

With a rich background in education spanning both Jordan and the USA, Ruba has passionately taught subjects ranging from art and design to mathematics at various educational levels. Her diverse background in education in cultural experiences enriches her actions in Business Coaching as well as her actions in Innovation Coaching. Ruba currently serves as a Digital Marketing specialist. In her free time she holds the chair of the International Service Committee within her Rotary club where she channels her coaching skills and innovative mindset to empower members and spearhead impactful fundraising initiatives.
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Her contribution as verrocchio Fellow

With her commitment to positive impact, Ruba uses creativity and innovation to drive meaningful change and foster a culture of mutual support and inspiration.

With her unique background and individual experiences, Ruba offers valuable perspectives on innovation in an international context. She is also a sparring partner in terms of opportunities and formats to pass on the inspiring spark of innovation to the next generations.