Design Thinking

In recent decades, design thinking has established itself as one of the most important frameworks for solving complex human-centered problems and developing innovation. Through its collaborative, user-centered and iterative approach, design thinking helps companies to adapt to changing market conditions and develop new solutions.

Over the years, we have specialized in key formats related to design thinking. We can support you at any time, regardless of whether your company already has prior knowledge of the topic or whether you would like to start your Design Thinking journey with us.

To get started

Design Thinking Learning Journey

In this workshop, you and your team will get to know the Design Thinking macro method in a practical and user-oriented way.

With a self-chosen challenge, which we will discuss with you in advance, the participants will be guided through all 6 Design Thinking work packages over two days.

Each work package is filled with additional so-called micro-methods from our large toolbox of methods. For each method, the participants receive working materials that they can use seamlessly in their own projects.

For companies that …

  • want to get to know Design Thinking quickly and deeply
  • want to approach agile projects with Design Thinking in the right way
  • want to inspire their teams for Design Thinking


After the seminar, the participants will know which principles are behind Design Thinking, what to look out for in the individual steps and how they can design and implement their own Design Thinking project. During the learning journey, it is important to us that we make sense of each next step for the participants, convey the method in a comprehensible way and, last but not least, get the participants excited about Design Thinking.

Our Design Thinking learning journey provides answers to following questions:

For people with prior knowledge

Design Thinking First Aid

Need effective antidotes to suboptimal conditions in your Design Thinking sprint or project? In this format, you will learn first aid and life-saving measures for your Design Thinking projects.

Get solutions to the question, “What are the obstacle effects and how do we ideally deal with them so that our Design Thinking Sprint / Project can be a success after all?”

Design thinking is not everything

“We love Design Thinking” – BUT not all challenges can be solved well with Design Thinking. Therefore, in this format we show you alternatives, additions and combinations around Design Thinking.

Together with your team, we show and develop real alternatives, compare different macro methods and work out adaptations and combinations.


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Design Thinking First Aid

Let’s face reality – our Design Thinking sprints and projects usually never run under perfect conditions. It is even the normality that we always have some limiting factors in our everyday work.

In the seminar you will therefore learn …

Design thinking isn't everything

All too often, design thinking is misused due to a lack of alternatives, it is not adapted appropriately or is combined with other methods in an unfortunate way.

The problem is that once a method has fallen into disrepute in a company or team due to incorrect application, nobody wants to work with it in the long term – and this has far-reaching consequences.

In the seminar, you will therefore learn about and apply alternative, exciting macro methods. Among them:

Our free design thinking tools

Design Thinking QuickCheck

The checklist from our seminar helps you to reflect more quickly and clearly on the framework conditions for your next Design Thinking project or sprint and thus increase the probability of success!

Please use the following form for the QuickCheck:

Einfach E-Mail-Adresse und Namen hinterlegen und Download-Link per E-Mail erhalten.

Design Thinking MethodenCheck

The check provides you with quick and reliable help in reflecting on Design Thinking in relation to your challenge to be solved. Is Design Thinking the right method or should you rather consider alternatives?

Please use the following form for the MethodCheck:

Einfach E-Mail-Adresse und Namen hinterlegen und Download-Link per E-Mail erhalten.

Let's talk

Kontaktfotos - Website

Hi, I am Christina and I will support you at any time, individually, to find the best form of cooperation.

+ 49 211 822 045 60

More knowledge and inspiration

Read “What is Design Thinking?” to learn about the origins of the method, different variations, and helpful tools for use.

Read “Design Thinking with ChatGPT” to understand how you can use ChatGPT in the design thinking process through use cases.

Read “What is agile really?” and learn what agile is all about and how to help your employees work more agilely.

Find out more about innovation, transformation and sustainability in the Innovation Navigator on Innovation.Wiki. Read now and acquire new knowledge.