Leadership Mentoring

Our leadership mentoring is for C-level executives and entrepreneurs, or anyone who wants to further develop their creativity and innovation skills into visionary excellence.

This is important because it is only when people are in their own inner childlike clarity that they develop the necessary ease to be an inspiring leader that opens the doors of possibility and that people willingly and easily follow.

The format

With our Leadership Mentoring we offer a goal-oriented, personal accompaniment that leads to visionary power development, more effective leadership and an intensive self-realization.

Each protégé in mentoring must show the willingness …

  • to always bring in his full energy
  • to always take his own commitment in this relationship seriously
  • to talk about his own fears, wishes and visions
  • to invest the necessary amount of time
  • to let yourself be helped

Possible questions that are bothering you:

20 %

of C-Level managers do not have a sparring partner at eye level

4 out of 5

Coachees increase their visionary power development already within one year

20 %

Trust and discretion are the basis for more self-realization

5 Steps

lead purposefully and logically to your goal

Mentor Benno van Aerssen

Benno van Aerssen

His mission
and expertise

For many people, Benno van Aerssen has not only become an inspiring companion over the years, but also a reliable coach and mentor around creativity, idea generation, inventiveness and innovation. His artistic background, his professional career and his experience from well over 1,500 innovation projects form the expertise foundation of mentoring and meeting at eye level. His mission and mentoring leadership envelops his talent and describes the sense of purpose that surrounds his work, which is always to contribute to what is to be even better. “The one-on-one coaching follows my mission exactly and costs my protégé far more than the amount on the fee invoice. In return, my protégé also gets more than just my 100% expertise and attention – he becomes a part of my life and dreams for a certain time.” – Benno van Aerssen

What you can expect

  • 100% attention and immediate access to Benno van Aerssen
  • Conversations at any conceivable time of day or night
  • A coach who never runs away
  • A lateral thinking spirit that also contributes its wealth of ideas
  • Many questions that bring clarity
  • A lateral thinking mind that does not know any taboos
  • Ponder and philosophize together
  • Many questions that provide more than their answers

Let's talk

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Hi, I am Christina and I will support you at any time, individually, to find the best form of cooperation.


+ 49 211 822 045 60