Mindset and NOWmoments Cards

Quickly create an innovative mindset and become ready to act today!

About the cards

Our verrocchio Mindset and NOWmoments Cards, developed by Benno van Aerssen and Jennifer van Aerssen (illustration), offer exciting thought stimuli. They help people to reflect on their own mindset, to leave the well-worn corridor of thought and to discover new perspectives. The Combi Card Set helps people to develop a mindset that is conducive to innovation. With 110 cards it provides a wide variety of perspectives on creativity, agility, efficiency, leadership, work strategy and attitude – and can thus be used in many different ways. Whether in innovation workshops, team workshops or leadership development… the right mindset plays an important role everywhere. It is also important to us that this is not a one-off, throwaway product for workshops. We made sure to produce the cards with high quality so that we can pack them again and again and reuse them at the next workshop.

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Mithilfe unserer 2 Methodpads die Mindset Cards sowie die JETZTmomente Cards in eigenen Workshops einsetzen und mit den Teilnehmenden eine innovative Denkhaltung entwickeln! Lade dir hier das PDF kostenlos runter.

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The verrocchio Institute

The verrocchio Institute for Innovation Competence is dedicated to the collection and transfer of knowledge in the areas of transformation/change and innovation.
20 years of innovation experience in 25 countries in over 2,000 workshops – the two founders have learned their trade and, together with their team, pass on their know-how to their customers in an open and implementation-oriented manner.

The verrocchio Institute for Innovation Competence offers:

  • open and closed workshops and innovation labs
  • Licensing of innovation coaches and innovation facilitators
  • cooperation with many experts and universities
  • own textbooks and technical literature
  • own methods and tools