The Innovator's Dictionary [english book]
All innovation methods for global use
The book
The Innovator’s Dictionary is the English version of our large Handbook of Innovation and, like the German version, provides a comprehensive overview of 555 current innovation methods and innovation tools – compiled by 11 authors who have compiled this large overview directly from their practical work over the last few years. It is a real treasure of practical experience that will help you – whether you are a beginner or a professional – to select methods quickly, safely and undogmatically for English-language workshops and international teamwork.
- Safe selection of suitable methods for the next creative workshop
- Individual design of your innovation project
- Quick selection and conception of the next design thinking workshop
- Precise enrichment of your next innovation presentation
- Effective time savings in innovation workshops and projects
- Ad-hoc change of method in the event of spontaneous workshop dysfunctions
- Comprehensive preparation of seminars on innovation topics
- Quickly find additional sources
- Efficient development of method chains through exact output/input linking
- Filtering helping methods for your own daily work with the feature “individual work possible”
For whom?
Teams, companies or people who want to get to grips with the topic of innovation, who want to deepen their existing methodological knowledge or gain inspiration for new methods.
By the way: The book is also available in a German-language version
– for companies with primarily German-speaking teams and employees.
“Das große Handbuch Innovation” is also available in stores.

Dig deeper
Even more to know

Read “What is Design Thinking?” to learn about the origins of the method, different variants and helpful tools for its use.

Read “Innovation methods – the complete overview” to understand what innovation methods are needed for and how to choose the right method.

Read “The danger of assumptions and presumptions” and recognize the challenge of working with assumptions in Design Thinking.

You can find out more about innovation, transformation and sustainability in the Innovation Navigator on the Read now and acquire new knowledge.