Sustainable Development Goals Card Set

3 card sets in onw – order now


You want to make the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN tangible and work effectively with them in the workshop?

So do we! That’s why we at verrocchio have developed 3 SDG card sets that shed different light on each goal and can be used specifically in workshops:

The 17 SDG Know-How Cards briefly, concisely and clearly present exciting knowledge building blocks for each of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. There is helpful global information as well as an assessment of the local situation in Germany.

The 17 SDG Impulse Cards pose the question “What can we do as a company?”. With short, concrete impulses on each of the Sustainable Development Goals, they help to generate ideas for more sustainability in the company. A collection of examples from other companies can be accessed directly via a QR code on the cards.

The 17 SDG Challenger Cards provide five exemplary guiding questions (Challenger Questions) for each of the UN Sustainable Development Goals for targeted and specific idea generation.

The total of 51 cards can only be ordered together in this SDG Card Set.

They were developed by Malvine Klecha, Hila Attaie and Jennifer van Aerssen (illustration) with the goal of filling the elusive topic of sustainability with content.

For whom?

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are the guard rails for sustainable innovation work. They make the abstract topic of “sustainability” tangible and help to find the topic areas for one’s own company. They are pillars and corridors of thought for both the sustainable transformation of the company and the development of new products, services and business models. The SDG Card Set is suitable for every workshop in which sustainability is to become a topic – it helps innovation coaches, design thinkers, team leaders and project managers.


Our SDG Cards provide you with answers to the following questions:

Our expertise

Malvine Klecha and Christian Buchholz are the people to contact for Sustainable Innovation at verrocchio and support verrocchio customers individually in their challenges for more sustainable innovations.

In the course of their work, the Sustainable Inspiration Cards were created based on the verrocchio Business Inspiration Cards in order to provide more inspiration for sustainable idea generation with the group.

What's in it?

51 SDG Cards (SDG Know How Cards + SDG Impulse Cards + SDG Challenger Cards) – in German

You will receive two formats in one order package:

  • Format 1:
    We will send the 51-page DIN A5 card set in workshop packaging by post to your delivery address following the order.
  • Format 2:
    You can also download the card set digitally as DIN A5 PDF and JEPG directly after ordering – and get started digitally right away. On collaboration boards, as wallpapers, in PowerPoint, in Keynotes, as virtual backgrounds …

SDG Know-How Cards
The SDG Know-How Cards provide a deeper insight into each Sustainable Development Goal. Exciting knowledge nuggets make the SDG quickly tangible for people.

SDG Impulse Cards
The SDG Impulse Cards provide 3 to 4 thought-provoking impulses for change in your own organization for each Sustainable Development Goal. They show possibilities for more sustainability in the company.

SDG Challenger Cards
The SDG Challenger Cards provide 5 exemplary guiding questions for idea generation for each Sustainable Development Goal. They ensure a targeted and specific generation of ideas.


None – Anyone can use the SDG Cards adHoc, working individually or in groups.

Order now

The SDG cards set package has a price of 95,- EUR plus VAT. After we received your order, we will send you the set via mail, while you can already start with your digital version. The offer is addressed to companies and professionals.